Friday, October 30, 2009


So... I set out to start a blog and then I don't update it forever. Such is the craziness of my impending marriage. But, no offense to WoW, I'd much rather focus on my future-wife than a video game.

That being said... I'm still here, and still planning on blogging away. Today's topic: Quel'Delar

I was cruising mmo-champion today and I saw this post, and immediately got pretty excited.

You see, I'm one of those people who will never see heroic/hard modes. Hell, I don't really get to see 25-mans very often. My raiding life consists of VoA/Onyxia PUGs, and the occasional ToC 10man runs on non-raid nights with my guildmates. One thing I miss is 5-mans that are difficult, 5-mans that aren't viewed as 'gimme' instances (like Trial of the champion and it's 'lolepics'.)

I *hope*, sincerely hope, that the Quel'delar questline is what I'm thinking it is: an epic questline with an equally epic weapon reward for every class/spec, that doesn't require top of the line raiding. I'm not wanting something easy to get, heavens no. I'm wanting something to work for, something to have a bit of prestige along with it, without having to raid the 25-man content that I know I won't be able to.

So, here's hoping!


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