Thursday, August 6, 2009

A tank's guide to: The Trial of the Champion (patch 3.2)

With 3.2 fresh out of the oven, one of the most popular things for people to do is farm Trial of the Champion, the new 5-man instance. With loots comparable to Naxx10 gear (item level 200) in regular mode and Ulduar 10 (iLevel 219) in heroic, this instance is great for gearing alts, offspecs, or upgrading that one particular gear slot that you've just been flat out unlucky with.

Tanks in particular have quite the reason to farm the instance on regular mode, as it drops one of the best tanking trinkets in the game, The Black Heart.

This is a guide for the entire instance, which consists of 3 boss fights. This guide is intended for tanks specifically, and is not an in-depth analysis of any of the encounters. Instead, this is meant to give you a quick but very functional overview of how best to run this instance, whether you're a brand new 80 just starting to tank, or if you're a veteran tank who simply needs to learn the fights.

Fight 1: Enemy Grand Champions

To start out the instance, you'll need to talk to the High Elf NPC in the middle of the colliseum. This will initiate a very lengthy introduction where you and all your party members will be (individually) introduced, as will your opponents. You'll want to start out on horseback, as the trash portion of this fight is mounted (controls are the same as the mounts for the Argent Tournament dailies). This means you should have your Main Hand weapon on your toolbar or somewhere else you can get to it quick, as you'll need it in a hurry later on.

The fight will consist of 3 waves of non-elite mounted riders, who are dispatched easily, followed by the 3 bosses, mounted. Once the bosses have been defeated on their mounts, you go instantly into the boss fight, taking on all 3 at once (In my experience, this transition is the hardest part of the instance, especially if you're a druid or warrior. All I can tell you is be quick to pick all 3 MOBs up, and remember to re-equip your Main Hand. Also, have your group be ready to pop survival cooldowns to survive the transition.)

The bosses will be a random selection from the following 5 NPCs:

Runok Wildmane/Colosos - Tauren/Draenei Shaman. He'll likely be your DPS priority, as he is a healer.

Deathstalker Visceri/Lana Stouthammer - Undead/Dwarf Rogue. Occasionally drops a vial of poison on the ground, which applies a very hefty DoT if you stand in it. I guess I don't have to tell you to stay out of the fire :p

Eressa Dawnsinger/Ambrose Boltspark - Blood Elf/Gnome Mage (the announcer will say Eressa is a paladin. He is wrong.) This boss is the easiest, just keep aggro on it and soak the damage.

Mokra the Skullcrusher/Marshal Jacob Alerius- Orc/Human Warrior. Does a whirlwind that melee will need to step out of, but shouldn't be a problem for tanks. Also, does a really annoying toss that is all too close to a pro-wrestling move. If he tosses you, just run back into the fray, no big deal.

Zul'Tore/Jaelyne Evensong - Troll/Night-Elf Hunter. Does a nasty multi-shot that can cause issues to your group, also will hit deterrence and spring back from you on occasion. It's a good idea to keep your group close to this boss until it's dead, as to avoid the multi-shot.

Congratulations, the hard (lol) part is over.

Boss 2: Champions of the Argent Crusade

This boss will be a random selection of 2 different Argent Crusade Champions after 3 waves of 3 trash mobs.

On the trash, kill the priestess first, the guy with the big hammer (forgive me, the name escapes me) second, and the monk last. The monk will occasionally bubble himself when near death and slows your attack/walk speed while bubbled, but doesn't heal. Wait for the bubble to fade and deliver the deathblow.

The bosses are quite easy.

Argent Confessor Paletress - Paletress is fun. She has a few priest abilities (renew, etc.) that are so negligible they can be completely ignored. After you've almost got her HP down, she becomes immune and summons a 'memory' of a previous boss (a really neat trick, as you can see bosses like Onyxia, Vashj, and Algalon, along with dozens of others). Sadly, no matter which boss's memory is summoned, they all have the same abilities. The only ability here to pay attention to is a short AoE fear that, as far as I can tell, can't really be interrupted but is quick and painless.

Eadric the Pure - Eadric is only slightly more difficult than Paletress. The only reason for this is, while it is a traditional tank-and-spank, he does have one trick. He will emote something to the effect of 'Eadric the Pure begins to radiate pure light'. This is your qeueu to hide your eye (literally turn and face away from the boss). If you don't, you will be blinded for a few seconds. He also will target a random member and hit them with Hammer of the Righteous, but that's the healer's problem, right?

Final Boss: The Black Knight

There is no trash before this boss, instead only a few lines of dialogue. It is a 3 phase fight.

Phase 1

The black knight will raise a ghoul from the corpse of our friend, the high elf announcer. Have all DPS switch to the ghoul and kill it before it explodes (which does some hefty AoE damage), then burn the boss.

Phase 2

Just like his namesake from Monte Python, the Black Knight is not phased by mere flesh wounds. He arises in Skeletal form and immediately begins to channel Army of the Dead. Just like the player Death Knight spell, this summons a small army of ghouls who cannot be tanked. Also, he will be desecrating the ground, which adds an AoE that ticks for a decent amount, especially on heroic. Depending on your healer, you can either just have your entire group stack up on you and quickly AoE the ghouls down, or have the group stand off to the side and AoE the ghouls outside of the desecration. The Ghouls don't really seem to be tauntable, but try your best (blow your Cooldowns for DPS here, and if you're a warrior or a druid, hit your AoE taunt once the boss has finished summoning his army.) Once the ghouls go down (and they do so quicker than... well, you get the point.) just burn the boss down.

Phase 3

During the Black Knight's final performance (ghost form), he'll stack an ever-increasing debuff on the party, increasing magic damage by 5% and doing shadowfrost damage over time. This debuff will continuously stack. Also, he will randomly place his mark on a random party member, increasing their magic damage taken by 200% (ouch.). The name of the game is DPS, burn the boss down as quick as possible before being overwhelmed by the DoT.

Congratulations on your new loot, and enjoy the grind as you wait for the trinket to drop.


Anonymous said...

Great writeup. For the protadins out there, I pop bubblewall and divine sacrifice in the 2nd phase of the Black Knight and soak a lot of the ghoul explode damage. The trick is timing it right.

I keep running it with DPS high enough to kill most of the ghouls, but not all of them.

On my resto druid I've been stacking on the tank, hitting Barkskin and Tranquility (woo, a use for it!)... works beautifully!

Welcome to the blogging community!

Anonymous said...

The phase change in the first boss fight is weird for me. As a tankadin with no AoE taunt, I find it difficult to pick up all 3 mobs when they are running to different targets. My current solution is to Righteous Defense one, Hand of Reckoning one, and HoJ the third while waiting for one of my taunts to pop back up. Is there a better way, and if so, what is it? =)

Agent Elrond said...

On my tankadin, I prefer to try and get the group to drop the MOBs in roughly the same are, so they'll be within concecrate range, then do just as you do: HoR, RD, and HoJ. It's a very rough transition and most PUGs I'm in don't survive it (guild runs are usually quite a bit better)

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